Submit an abstract for an Open Panel
Over 200 open panel proposals have been accepted for the 2025 Seattle meeting. The purpose of calling for Open Panel proposals is to stimulate the formation of new networks around topics of interest to the STS community. Open panels have been proposed by scholars working in nearly every continent and relating to just about every major STS theme.
When submitting papers to open panels on the abstract submission platform, you will select the Open Panel you are submitting to. Papers submitted to an open panel will be reviewed by the open panel organizer(s) and will be given first consideration for that session.
Also, at the time of submission, you will also be asked to nominate two alternative open panel preferences for your paper. In the event that your paper is not included in the open panel of your first preference it will be considered for the alternative panels indicated in your submission.
A walk-through video of the submission system is availabler here.
Download all Accepted Open Panel data as a PDF file by clicking here, or as an Excel file by clicking here.