4S Web Committee 2021

Noortje Marres (Chair), Ana Viseu, Amanda Windle, Aftab Misraei, Steve Coffee, Joan Fujimura

The new 4S website was launched early December 2020, and received positive feedback from 4S council members, the social media committee and 4S members. Since the site launch, Steve Coffee has been supremely diligent in responding to feedback and fixing bugs were necessary, and the site is functioning very well. During the process of re-designing the website, some limitations of the 4S logo became clear, as it was designed for print media. Amanda Windle, Noortje Marres and Ana Viseu (Chair) formed a sub-committee, which commissioned new logo designs from design students at the School of Technology, Arts and Communication, Universidade Europeia (Lisbon, Portugal). After an open call, proposals were shortlisted by the logo sub-committee and three designs were subsequently presented to Council. The winning design, by Ines Romao, was approved by Council during the Council meeting on 16 September 2021.

Published: 12/01/2021