Call for Abstracts *NOW CLOSED*

The Call for Abstracts opened on 27 November and closed on 12 February 2024. 

During this time we welcome contributions to all Open Panels, Making & Doing contributions, stand-alone Workshops, Roundtables, Meet-Ups and Closed Panels. This page explains how to submit an abstract to an Open Panel (traditional and combined formats). 

If you wish to participate in the Making & Doing program or propose a stand-alone Workshop, Roundtable, Closed Panels or Meet-Up, click here (now closed).

If you are considering attending the conference, we strongly advise you to book your accommodation now, with a cancellation option, as accommodation prices are likely to be very high by the time you will receive notification of whether your abstract is accepted or not. Please see the accommodation information on the EASST conference website.


If you need a visa letter to apply for a Schengen visa and waiting times for visas are long in your area, you may want to seriously consider submitting your abstract well before the submission deadline.

How to receive a visa letter for conference participation: after you have submitted your proposal, you will receive a confirmation email. The email includes a link to our Visa data form – please fill this out if you require a visa letter from the conference organisers. We will then send you the visa letter as soon as possible. If the automatic confirmation email does not arrive in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you still cannot find it, contact the conference administrators: conference(at)

How to submit an abstract to an Open Panel

All submissions to panels must be made online, not by email. Browse the panel list to find a panel suitable to you. There is a ‘Propose’ button in the title section and at the bottom of the description of each open panel. Navigate to the panel you are interested in and click on this button to propose directly to that panel. 

There are two types of Open Panels:

  • Traditional Open Panels only welcome regular academic papers. 
  • Combined Format Open Panels may include academic paper presentations, while also welcoming experimental formats of knowledge expression. Read the panel abstract to see which kind of contributions are welcomed and make sure to specify which kind of contribution you are submitting in your proposal. Also be aware that we expect a large number of attendants and space is not unlimited. Open Panel convenors and/or the program committee may ask you to make changes to your proposed contribution to make it fit within the program. 

You can use the Filter button to view a specific format of panel.

Submissions to panels must consist of:

  • a title
  • the name/s and email address/es of author/s
  • a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
  • a long abstract of fewer than 250 words. If proposing to a Combined Format Panel, make sure to specify which kind of contribution you are submitting and how much time you would require – bearing in mind the space/time available is limited.

After submission, the authors will receive an automated confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please first check the conference login environment to see if your proposal is there (the login link is in the top right corner of this page). If it is, it simply means your confirmation email got spammed/lost; if it is not, you will need to re-submit, as for some reason the process was not completed.


Co-authors cannot be added/removed after submission, nor can papers be withdrawn by the proposers themselves; for that, please email conference(at)

Proposals will be marked as pending until the end of the Call (12 February 2024). Convenors will then be asked to make their decisions over the papers proposed to their panel by 4 March 2024 and to communicate those to the proposers, marking them up within the login environment.

How many papers can be accepted?

Please note that the Call for Open Panels had an overwhelming response and over 390 panels were accepted. This may mean that panels can be offered a limited number of sessions (we may need to reduce the number of sessions to two per panel, depending on the number of paper proposals received). 

Transfer process

Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for ‘transfer’ (by the panel convenors), will be given the opportunity to be re-housed into other panels. The conference organisers will contact authors of such proposals asking them to modify their abstracts to fit another panel of their choosing that has room for additional papers.

Authors will be asked to suggest two panels they would like to apply to in order of preference. We then forward the title, short, and long abstracts to the convenors’ for consideration. If both panels reject the proposal, the paper goes to the program committee for a final check. If the program committee cannot find a place for the paper in the program, the paper will be rejected and withdrawn from the conference. We aim to resolve all transfers by 9 April.

Remember that there are guidelines to the number of roles you can take at the conference, you can find the details at the bottom of this page.

Useful information for later in this process

Editing your proposal

Paper authors can use the login link in the top right corner of this page to enter the conference login environment and edit their proposals.

Pre-circulation of papers

There is no rule about this, but some convenors are keen to pre-circulate completed papers. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the login environment (paper edit page), which will then show as downloadable files beneath the abstract on the panel page – but only to other panellists (if they are logged in). 

Timing of presentations

Each panel session slot will be 90 minutes long, accommodating a maximum of five presenters. How sessions are allocated is largely the panel convenors’ decision, however the norm is to allot each presenter a maximum of 20 minutes (for presentation and questions/discussion) for panels of five papers. The key is to respect the fact that many presenters have travelled a long way in order to be able to contribute and clearly need time to set out their argument. The division of a panel into sessions will be indicated in the programme, and the papers ordered within these sessions. While convenors may wish to amalgamate discussion time, where possible they should try to stick to the published distribution.

Communication between authors/convenors

While convenor/author email addresses are not displayed on the panel pages for privacy reasons, the in-built secure email messaging system allows site visitors to email convenors with queries. If you cannot work that, please email conference(at) to obtain relevant email addresses.

Participation and delegate guidance

To maximise participation across the conference, the program committee will follow these guidelines in reviewing panel and paper submission:

  • An individual may have each conference role only once during the conference:
    • convene a Traditional Open Panel OR a Workshop OR a Roundtable OR a Combined Format Open Panel once;
    • present once in a Traditional Open Panel OR a Workshop OR a Roundtable OR a Combined Format Open Panel;
    • present one contribution to the STS Making & Doing program;
    • be a discussant once (either as a Roundtable participant or a discussant in a Workshop or a Traditional Open Panel or a Combined Format Open Panel) OR be a chair once (in any of the formats).
  • Please note that if a convenor decides to present in their own panel, regardless of the format, that counts as fulfilling the presenter role (as well as their convening role). These presentations must be included in the panel as panel submissions.
  • It is assumed a convenor will chair their own panel/combined format panel – unless they name someone else in that role – but this is not counted as chairing once. It is part of the convening role.
  • It is allowed to be a co-author on additional papers if you are not the one presenting them.
  • Open Panel convenors will decide on the selection of papers/contributions within their panel. However the Program Committee remains the overall arbiter of the programme and reserves the right to make changes if deemed necessary.
  • While adherence to the conference theme is not the main criteria for panel selection, EASST and 4S encourage conveners (those proposing/organising a panel) to explore if there is a meaningful connection between their panel and the ideas outlined in the theme description.

Conference format and times

The EASST-4S 2024 Amsterdam conference will be a face-to-face (f2f) event with a programme running for four full days, 16-19 July 2024 at the Athena Institute at VU Amsterdam. Plenary sessions will be streamed; other virtual participation will not be facilitatedThe panel sessions will start early in the morning on the 16th, and run until the late afternoon of the 19th.